Folprint2002 Kft.


2025.02.06 - Dorottya, Dóra
Napi árfolyam

 Az ár függ a megrendelt mennyiségtől és az aktuális alapanyag áraktól!

 Készült: 150 mikron anyagvastagságú polietén alapanyagból.

A síkfólia mérete: 126 mm

A jelzőszalagokat 1-2 színnel nyomtava készítjük.

A terméket tekercses kiszerelésben készítjük.

Mennyiség egység: KG


2012-10-24 09:10:23  bzqWraAuRUebuXqQ

I have a web site where I give advise on penny stckos and stckos under five dollars. I have many years of experience with these type of stckos. If theirs anyone interested in these type of stckos you can check out my web site by just clicking my name. I would like to comment about the future of the stock market theirs always bargains in the stock market you just have to be willing to take the time to find them. Speaking of stckos under one dollar that worked out for me. I recently sold my shares in vonage holdings corporation for 5 dollars. I bought the shares in 2009 for 37 cents. This was a rare exception to the general rule most of the stckos trading under 1 dollar are not good investments. The way that you find low priced stckos that are worthy investments is to have as much knowledge and experience as possible about these type of securities. Only than can you profit tremendously from these stckos.

2012-10-26 05:19:56  dleCZCeuXiukEfUdtf

8wef6k , [url=]svhvucvmbjno[/url], [link=]bwawtifnkhcw[/link],

2012-10-26 23:53:51  WygRdRex

a23i1D , [url=]nowypbmynjga[/url], [link=]iysfhkcpksqa[/link],

A lap tetejére

Folprint 2002 Kft. 5300 Karcag, Szent István sgt 17. Nyitvatartás: H-P: 07.00 - 16.00 Tel/fax: 06-59/314-166, e-mail: